When deciding that letting your properties is a good source of passive income getting  them ready for viewings is of quite high importance and there are a few things you might want to have in mind :

Pictures speak louder than words !

When you hand over your property to us,  we take professional quality photographs, we’re honest and we’ll shout loudly about your home’s best bits. It isn’t just a mundane list of power points, number of radiators , our profession and highly qualified estate agents are making sure that the potential tenants get a very good idea of how your property can become Home for them for a long time .

First impressions are most times the most important ones !

Standing outside your property and looking at it with critical,objective eyes gives you the exact impression a tenant would perceive. Does the front door look good ? Is the door bell working or the Intercom ? Do the bins need emptying? If you have a communal entrance hall, does the carpet need a hoover? Are there piles of mail making the place look untidy? In the winter, make sure any paths or steps are clear of snow and ice.

Lightning and how it feels when you first walk in . If the potential tenants will be viewing the place after dark , make sure the lights are working . Keep the porch or hall light on. During day time, make sure curtains and blinds are left open to maximise natural light into your home.

Kitchen and bathrooms more often than not play a very important role when tenants make their decision.  Taps covered in limescale, a stained bath and grubby, cluttered worktops will not create a very good impression,so make sure you get a professional to  clean, scrub and polish until these rooms look shiny and inviting!

De-cluttering and recycling will always maximise the storage space ,which tenants tend to like. Sort out your attics and basements, make sure any cupboards are tidy and organised, recycle anything you no longer need or want (be honest) and generally have a good clear-out.

The best thing about having a property management company dealing with move-ins and move outs is that , we arrange all minor repairs and disposals and you can make full use of your time not having to worry about your properties at all .